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TLC Video Gallery

Please Click on the following pictures which will show you brief videos of the progression of actual orthodontic cases.
Please note that download speeds may vary.

Incredible Straightening with Braces

Several times a week at TLC dentists, we see these complicated, crowded and crooked teeth, but after a lot of hard work from both the TLC dentists and TLC patients, just look at these incredible results!

Front view showing crooked and protruded teeth fitting in to an expanded arch after expansion orthodontic braces minimising the need for tooth removal.

Front view showing crowded teeth with large gaps straightening in to an expanded jaw shape after expansion orthodontic braces
Overhead view showing guided enhanced growth of the jaw to allow proper alignment of teeth which had erupted in a crooked and crowded initial position.
Overhead view showing guided enhanced growth of the jaw from a narrow V-shaped arch to a wide U-shaped arch which allows teeth to align properly